A Rotting Heart Began To Pulse...


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Devote yourself to crushing dreams and ideals

I rip out your mask of lies now

An ache lodges in my back, dancing and flirting

A rotting heart began to pulse...

An impulse to shiver until my eardrums burst

'Your drive me completely mad!' my throbbing becomes violent

With your twisted ideals... show! reveal yourself!

Don't hide anymore! feel you...sixtynine...

Bustard lame faker...feel you...nasty dance...

Like moonlight on velvet, the colour of your red dirty blood hotly boiling

Like delusions being stained blacker, so it the meaning of your life with unfading sin

Don't hide anymore! feel you...sixtynine...

Bustard lame faker...feel you...nasty dance...

Stardust dances a rondo, till the dancing darkness breaks down, you're burdend with your unerasable sins

Like a heroine of your own movie, you conceal your invisible wound and laugh, like you're casting off skin

A rondo of sinners, let's play a song of the moon and pity...lighting our way to tomorrow...

D'espairsRay - SIXty∞NINe


Skin by Nar Mattaru - Freyja 

Shape by Arana - Aima (with Lilly Lel Evo X & Reborn)

Hair by Augenweide - Simplicity She Said 

Hairbase by Just Magnetized - Francesca 

Eyeshadows by Just Magnetized - Sundew 

Eyebags by Arana - Undead  

Eyebags by Suicidal Unborn - Tired 

Lashes by Void - Demure

Horns by Nosferatum - Jaculus Spiked Horns

Shoulder & Headpieces by Zibska - Morena Set

Halo by Just Tony - Spider Halo

Tatto by Dappa - Demon Tattoo

Pose by piXit 

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